Employer Practices to Improve Employment Outcomes: Considerations across the Employment Process2/7/2017 The Great Lakes ADA Center in collaboration with the ADA National Network is pleased to host the February ADA Audio Conference Series Session titled:
Employer Practices to Improve Employment Outcomes: Considerations across the Employment Process February 21, 2017 2:00pm-3:30pm Eastern Time There is a significantly reinvigorated interest among businesses in identifying effective ways to hire and retain individuals with disabilities. This interest is being driven by regulatory requirements for federal sub-contractors and organizations within the federal sector itself as an employer. In addition, technology is opening possibilities to move the needle on employment for individuals with disabilities – new assistive technologies and accessibility features for existing ones, new technology applications in business that require specialized talent, creating opportunities for people with differences like autism, and virtual offices and mobile technologies which enable work by anyone, anytime, anywhere. Knowing which policies and practices across the employment process will be most effective is imperative to respond to and advance these current business strategy-driven interests. In this presentation, an overview of effective workplace disability inclusive practices across the employment process will be presented; included will be recruitment and hiring, career advancement and retention, compensation and benefits, accessibility and accommodation, diversity and inclusion, and metrics and analytics. The information presented is empirically derived, taken from a series of interlocking research projects to examine the most effective ways to minimize disability discrimination and maximize workplace disability inclusion. The implications of these employer practices for business, as well those providing training and technical assistance consultation services to employers, will be discussed. Featured Speaker: Susanne M. Bruyère, Ph.D., CRC K. Lisa Yang and Hock E. Tan Institute on Employment and Disability at the Cornell University ILR (Industrial and Labor Relations) School Registration is Free. The session will be closed captioned. Register on-line at: www.ada-audio.org (Will be required to establish an account if you do not already have one to register) Questions? 877-232-1990 (V/TTY) or [email protected]
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